Scientists Discover Planets Made Entirely of Oceans

May 17, 2024, 04:33 PM IST

Scientists Discover Planets Made Entirely of Oceans

Harshit Sabarwal

All images: NASA (Representative images)

Harshit Sabarwal

Earth Made of Around 71% Ocean

Our planet is made of around 71 per cent ocean, but scientists have found several planets in the Milky Way galaxy that are made entirely of oceans.

A Look at Water Worlds

Scientists have called these planets water worlds, which are quite bigger than the Earth. Some of these are ten times bigger than our planet.

Thick Hydrogen Atmosphere

According to prominent astronomy YouTuber Astrokobi, water worlds have thick hydrogen atmospheres and extreme pressures.

Did Life Exist on these Planets?

The presence of thick hydrogen atmospheres and extreme pressures have led scientists to believe that life could have evolved in water worlds.

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